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Full text of "Neville Goddard 003 T - Y PDFs on Imagining Creates Reality and Experiencing Scripture of Oral Traditions"

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Neville  - 1-27-1969 


Inspiration  is  a divine  action  which  qualifies  the  individual  to  receive  and  communicate  sacred  revelation.  The 
prophets,  apostles,  and  incurrent  eyewitnesses  are  those  who  receive  such  inspiration. 

The  prophets'  visions  are  foreshortened.  They  see  as  present  what  is  really  future.  Prophesying  of  the  grace 
that  is  to  be  yours,  they  searched  and  inquired  what  person  or  what  time  was  indicated  by  the  spirit  of  Christ 
in  them,  when  they  predicted  the  sufferings  of  Christ  and  the  subsequent  glory.  It  was  revealed  to  them  that 
they  were  serving  not  themselves,  but  you! 

The  apostles  are  sent  by  the  Risen  Lord  to  fulfill  the  prophecies  of  the  Old  Testament  and  to  share  their 
experiences  with  alL 

Individual  man,  having  been  conditioned  to  believe  that  God  is  somewhere  in  space  as  someone  on  the 
outside,  cannot  believe  that  everything  he  beholds  is  within  his  own  human  imagination.  But  it  is. 

We  are  told:  'He  who  receives  you,  receives  me,  and  he  who  receives  me,  receives  him  who  sent  me.  If 
Christ  is  in  you,  although  your  body  is  dead,  he  who  raised  Christ  Jesus  from  the  dead  will  raise  you  also 
through  his  Spirit  within  you."  (Matthew  10  & Romans  8)  The  first  quote,  from  Matthew,  tells  you  that  God  is 
in  you,  for  the  writers  of  the  New  Testament  identify  the  Christ  who  governs  your  life  with  Jehovah,  who 
inspired  the  prophets. 

Paul  tells  us  that  Christ  is  in  you,  although  your  body  is  dead.  This  I know  to  be  true.  I have  stopped  time  and 
witnessed  how  dead  this  body  is.  Time  and  again  I have  moved  into  a society,  arrested  the  activity  in  me  that 
causes  the  animation  I am  observing,  and  everyone  has  stood  still.  They  appear  to  be  as  dead  as  the  statues 
of  clay  or  marble  in  a museum.  I have  entered  a room  to  become  possessed  by  the  motion  that  inspires 
things.  I have  arrested  this  action,  and  everything  has  stood  still.  I have  walked  among  those  present  to 
discover  they  are  all  dead.  Now  I know  that  Paul's  statement  is  true:  "If  Christ  is  in  you,  although  the  body  is 
dead,  he  who  raised  Christ  from  the  dead  will  raise  you  also,  through  his  Spirit  within  you. " 

But  how  do  I convince  you  that  the  Lord  God  Jehovah  is  actually  in  you?  That  Jehovah  is  dreaming  he  is  you, 
and  in  the  end  will  awaken  as  you?  How  do  I convince  you  that  you  will  witness  the  images  the  prophets 
used?  They  tell  us  that  Christ  is  the  Rock.  That  you  have  forgotten  the  God  who  gave  you  birth. 

The  prophets  equate  the  Rock  with  the  Lord  God  Jehovah.  This  I know  to  be  true.  One  day  I sat  in  the 
silence,  when  quartz  appeared  before  my  vision.  As  I watched,  the  rock  fragmented  into  numberless  pieces 

and  instantly  molded  itself  into  the  human  form,  seated  in  the  lotus  posture  in  profound  meditation.  As  I 
realized  I was  looking  at  myself,  the  form  began  to  glow.  It  increased  in  intensity  until  it  reached  the  limit  of 
translucency.  Then  it  exploded  and  my  vision  came  to  its  end.  Now  I know  I am  the  Rock  that  begot  me. 

Out  of  that  solid  state  of  death  comes  life,  for  you  put  this  limit  of  contraction  and  opacity  called  Man  upon 
yourself.  At  the  present  time  three  and  a half  billion  of  us  walk  the  earth,  individualized,  because  the  being 
which  gives  us  life  is  asleep. 

Believing  the  world  is  taking  place  independent  of  our  perception,  we  do  not  realize  that  our  dreams  are 
projecting  themselves  on  this  screen  of  space,  and  that  we  are  in  conflict  with  our  dreams.  But  one  day  God 
will  awaken  within  your  dead  body;  and  when  he  does,  all  of  the  imagery  of  scripture  will  surround  you, 
identifying  you  as  the  central  figure  of  the  Bible  --  the  Lord  God  Jesus  Christ. 

Scripture  is  all  about  God,  as  there  is  no  one  else.  God  and  his  name  are  one!  That  name  is  I AM!  Falling 
asleep,  God  breathed  upon  your  body  and  it  became  animated,  as  He  dreams  your  world  into  being.  One 
day  God  will  awaken  and  all  of  your  confusion  will  end.  Then  you  will  take  off  your  garment  of  death  to 
return  to  the  being  you  were  before  that  the  world  was.  You  will  be  enhanced  beyond  your  wildest  dreams, 
for  there  is  no  limit  to  your  expansion  and  translucency.  A limit  was  set  to  contraction  and  opacity,  which  is 
the  body  of  death  called  Man;  but  your  expansion  and  translucency  is  limitless. 

Who  would  have  thought  that  the  imagery  recorded  in  the  32nd  chapter  of  Deuteronomy  was  true:  "Of  the 
Rock  that  begot  you,  you  are  unmindllil  and  have  forgotten  the  God  who  gave  you  life."  In  this  verse  God  is 
equated  with  the  Rock  that  fragmented  itself  and  is  defused  in  all. 

Although  now  a universally  diffused  individuality,  the  Rock's  name  forever  and  ever  is  I AM!  Every  child  bom 
of  woman  says,  I am!  That  is  the  fragmented  rock.  In  the  end,  when  the  fragments  gather  together  to  form 
one  being,  you  - wearing  your  face  - will  realize  no  one  exists  independent  of  your  perception,  for  the  world 
is  contained  within  your  own  wonderful  human  imagination,  and  projected  by  you. 

When  I tell  you  what  I know  from  inspiration,  it  is  true,  for  it  happened  to  me.  And  when  it  does,  I turn  to  the 
Old  Testament  to  find  a passage  in  the  word  of  God  that  parallels  my  experience.  If  I do,  then  I have  two 
witnesses  that  agree  in  testimony,  making  it  conclusive. 

I saw  myself  begotten  out  of  a rock,  for  the  rock  fragmented,  then  gathered  itself  together  to  fomi  a person  I 
knew  to  be  myself  - not  the  being  I shave  in  the  morning,  but  myself  raised  to  the  nth  degree  of  perfection. 
That  being  was  meditating  me,  and  I must  become  as  perfect  as  He  is.  And  when  I am  He  awakes  and  I am 
eternal  life,  the  one  who  came  down  into  a body  that  was  dead,  to  dream  the  dream  of  life.  Everyone  is  this 
completely  diffused  being.  Knowing  that  you  are,  you  are  mentally  saying  I am;  and  that  is  God's  name 
forever  and  ever. 

Now,  not  everything  in  the  Bible  is  inspired.  Paul's  passages  about  marriage  are  not.  Paul  confesses  he  is  not 
married  and  wishes  that  everyone  were  as  he  is;  but  if  that  were  true  there  would  be  no  offsprings.  Paul  did 
say:  'It  is  far  better  to  marry  than  to  bum."  In  other  words,  it  is  better  to  have  union  with  what  he  calls  the 
marriage  state,  than  to  long  for  such  satisfaction.  This  was  his  opinion,  not  his  inspiration.  In  his  letter  to  the 
Romans,  Paul  states  his  opinion  about  the  homosexual  - only  because  he  forgot  that  in  the  Old  Testament 

God  made  everything  and  pronounced  it  good  and  very  good.  If  God  made  everything,  then  God  made  the 
homosexual,  did  he  not?  So  not  every  word  of  scripture  is  inspired;  but  you  will  know  the  passages  that  are, 
for  when  you  awake,  scripture  unfolds  in  you. 

It  is  said  that,  beginning  with  Moses  and  all  the  prophets  and  the  psalms.  Paul  interpreted  to  them  in  all  the 
scriptures  the  things  that  concerned  him.  Remember:  in  Paul's  day  there  was  no  New  Testament.  It  was 
written  to  record  the  passages  of  the  Old  Testament  which  were  fulfilled.  So  when  you  read  the  New 
Testament,  pay  strict  attention  to  any  passage  that  is  quoted  by  the  Risen  Lord  and  taken  from  the  Old 

In  the  tenth  chapter  of  John,  the  Risen  Lord  says:  '1  and  my  Father  are  one.  Why  do  you  condemn  me  for 
saying  I am  the  Son  of  God?  Is  it  not  written  in  your  law. . - (and  he  quotes  the  82nd  Psalm)  saying:  "'I  say, 
you  are  gods'?  If  it  is  written,  'Ye  are  gods  and  scripture  cannot  be  broken,  why  do  you  condemn  me,  whom 
God  consecrated  and  sent  into  the  world?'  “Here  is  the  Christ  in  you,  quoting  scripture  after  having  risen  from 
the  sleep  of  death.  And  the  moment  Christ  awakens  in  you,  you  are  the  Risen  Christ! 

There  is  only  one  Risen  Christ  and  everyone  is  being  gathered  together  into  that  one  being.  Although  we  have 
different  talents,  everyone  will  know  God's  embrace,  qualifying  him  for  apostleship. 

If  you  are  meant  to  experience  scripture  consciously,  you  will  be  sent,  and  tell  your  experiences  to  those  who 
will  be  drawn  to  you,  to  show  them  the  parallel  between  what  happened  to  you  and  what  the  word  of  God 
said  through  His  inspired  prophets.  When  the  prophets  inquired,  they  were  told  that  they  were  not  serving 
themselves,  for  their  time  had  not  come.  But  scripture  has  been  fulfilled  now,  and  the  time  is  here  for  all  to 

We  are  in  the  act  of  awakening  as  God,  and  when  the  visions  come  they  cannot  be  stopped.  Coming 
suddenly  and  unexpectedly,  their  power  possesses  you  as  though  something  is  wearing  you.  Then  you  begin 
to  see  and  hear  that  which  kings  and  prophets  long  to  see,  and  cannot  because  the  time  has  not  fully  come  for 

As  passage  after  passage  of  scripture  unfolds  within  you,  you  will  recognize  the  inspired  ones  as  they  take 
place;  but  not  everything  written  in  scripture  was  inspired.  They  wrote  certain  dietary  laws  based  upon  what 
they  called  the  need  of  the  time,  but  these  are  not  inspired.  There  are  passages  in  both  the  Old  and  the  New 
Testament  that  were  not  inspired,  but  man-made  traditions  which  have  enslaved  the  minds  of  men.  We  are 
asked:  'Why  do  you  deny  the  word  of  God  for  the  traditions  of  your  fathers?"  If  you  are  going  to  accept  the 
man-made  traditions,  you  will  never  know  the  inspired  word  of  God. 

The  inspired  word  of  God  comes  to  certain  individuals  because  God  is  rebuilding  his  shattered  tenple  with 
living  stones.  This  tenple  is  not  made  with  human  hands,  but  with  the  redeemed.  When  one  awakens,  he 
becomes  a living  stone  in  that  one  divine  body. 

Now,  'If  the  Spirit  of  Christ  is  in  you,  although  the  body  is  dead,  he  who  raised  Christ  from  the  dead  will 
raise  you  also  through  his  spirit,  which  dwells  in  you."  If  His  Spirit  wasn't  dwelling  in  you,  He  could  not  raise 
you.  I know  that  when  I awoke,  there  was  no  one  there  to  lift  me  up.  The  wind  was  there  so  the  invisible 
God  was  present,  but  I saw  no  other  garment.  I awoke  within  myself  and  when  I came  out,  my  body  lying  on 

the  bed  appeared  to  be  dead. 

Have  you  ever  been  in  a recovery  room  in  a hospital?  In  1952, 1 had  my  gall  bladder  removed  and  my  body 
was  wheeled  into  a recovery  room  after  the  operation.  When  I came  to,  I looked  at  the  four  others  who  were 
there,  and  thought  they  were  dead  and  we  were  in  a morgue.  Well,  these  mortal  bodies  we  wear  are  dead. 
They  are  animated  and  seemingly  alive  because  of  the  presence  of  God  in  them  That  God,  you  are!  You 
cannot  go  to  eternal  death  in  that  which  cannot  die,  for  God  is  life.  The  body  God  wears  returns  to  dust,  out 
of  which  it  was  made;  but  you  cannot  die,  for  you  are  God  Himself! 

Spirit  entered  your  body  of  flesh  as  your  breath  of  life.  At  that  moment  God  became  human,  and  humanity 
became  a living  being.  Inspired  scripture  happens  each  time  the  Risen  Lord  prepares  to  disappear  from  the 
visible  world.  His  breath  is  his  baptism  with  the  Holy  Spirit,  which  quickens  your  dead  body  into  a life-giving 

Having  experienced  scripture,  when  I disappear  from  this  world  I cannot  go  without,  for  - containing  all 
within  myself  - 1 must  go  within. 

This  is  the  mystery  of  inspiration.  You  will  be  possessed  by  a vision,  to  find  yourself  playing  the  central  role  in 
a drama  that  is  taking  place  within  yourself.  And  when  the  vision  fades  you  will  search  the  scriptures  to  find 
the  inspired  word  of  God  you  have  just  fulfilled. 

When  you  tell  your  experiences  to  all  who  will  listen,  few  will  believe  you,  for  they  have  been  conditioned  to 
believe  in  some  little  external  Jesus  Christ  and  prefer  to  remain  that  way. 

It  is  the  Christ  within  man  who  is  his  hope  of  glory.  That  is  the  Christ  who  fulfills  scripture.  Having  had 
scripture  fulfill  itself  in  me,  I have  interpreted  to  you  in  all  the  scriptures  the  things  concerning  - not  a man 
called  Neville,  but  God's  power,  in  me,  called  Christ. 

Do  not  be  embarrassed  when  I tell  you  that  you  are  God.  Instead,  walk  believing  you  are  that  important.  You 
don't  have  to  become  arrogant,  but  you  must  assume  you  are  God.  Think  about  it!  Stop  believing  in  God  and 
start  believing  as  God.  Do  this  and  the  visions  will  come  to  confirm  your  assumption. 

Scripture  is  all  about  Christ,  the  Jehovah  you  are.  The  spirit  and  the  flesh  are  one;  therefore,  when  David 
appears,  in  vision,  you  are  revealing  your  true  identity  to  yourself.  This  I know,  for  I have  found  David.  He 
called  me  Lord.  I know  I am  the  Rock  that  begot  him,  for  I have  played  all  of  the  fragmented  parts  and  put 
them  together  to  form  David. 

When  David  calls  you  father,  the  Rock  of  his  salvation,  you  will  remember  you  are  the  Lord.  Then  you  will 
tell  salvation's  story,  and  if  God  is  still  asleep  in  those  who  hear,  they  will  think  you  are  mad.  That's  all  right, 
as  all  inspired  men  - being  judged  by  the  garment  they  wear  - will  appear  mad  to  those  who  hear  them  When 
you  claim  you  have  a spirit,  you  will  be  called  mad,  just  as  it  is  said  of  the  Risen  Christ  in  the  tenth  chapter  of 

Today,  as  in  the  past,  people  believe  scripture  will  be  fulfilled  in  a secular  manner.  But  while  occupying  their 
garment  of  death,  everyone  will  individually  fulfill  God's  word. 

You  are  destined  to  know  the  power  of  stopping  and  starting  time.  Possessed  by  the  Spirit,  you  will  be  taken 
into  a room.  Knowing  intuitively  who  you  are  and  the  power  you  are  feeling,  you  will  arrest  that  activity  within 
you  and  everything  will  stand  still  As  you  examine  that  which  was  so  alive  and  seemingly  independent  of  your 
perception  only  a moment  ago,  you  will  discover  it  is  all  dead.  Then,  releasing  their  activity  in  your 
imagination,  everything  will  once  more  become  animated  and  continue  its  purpose.  If  a bird  was  in  flight  when 
you  arrested  it,  it  will  continue  to  fly  when  released.  If  someone  is  carrying  food  to  a table  when  arrested  - 
although  you  can  keep  them  in  that  position  for  as  long  as  you  like  - when  you  release  the  power  you  know 
yourself  to  be,  they  will  continue  to  serve  the  meal  as  if  nothing  had  happened. 

Can  you  imagine  doing  that?  I tell  you  it  is  true,  but  as  long  as  you  identify  yourself  with  a body  of  death  and 
believe  it  is  you,  you  will  not  realize  you  are  your  own  hope  of  glory. 

The  body  you  care  for  and  keep  well  is  dead,  while  I - the  awareness  who  entered  it  - AM  a living  being, 
who  will  experience  scripture  while  in  this  dead  body.  I came  into  the  world  and  took  upon  myself  the  body 
of  a slave  when  I was  bom  in  the  likeness  of  man.  Now,  wearing  the  human  form,  I AM  obedient  unto  death, 
even  death  upon  the  cross  of  man.  While  in  this  state,  I will  experience  the  word  I inspired  the  prophets  to 
write,  for  I AM  the  God  in  you! 

Having  created  an  incredible  adventure,  I prophesied  that  I would  die  and  overcome  death.  The  prophecy 
has  been  fulfilled  and  will  continue  to  be  fulfilled  in  all.  for  I am  God,  capable  of  overcoming  my  last  enemy, 
which  is  death.  I will  awaken  in  my  grave  and  come  out  unassisted  to  find  myself  greater  than  I was  before 
the  adventure. 

Those  who  think  of  me  in  terms  of  the  outer  form  I wear  will  see  the  things  that  were  foretold;  but  not  me,  for 
I AM  spirit  and  cannot  be  seen  with  the  mortal  eye.  Having  eyes  that  see  not  and  ears  that  hear  not,  I will 
give  them  eyes  that  they  may  see  and  bore  ears  that  they  may  hear  what  kings  and  prophets  long  to  see  and 
hear,  but  cannot.  A retreat  will  not  cultivate  inspiration.  It  doesn't  come  that  way.  The  lire  that  rises  within  you 
is  the  same  fire  that  descends  like  a bolt  of  lightening  and  splits  you  in  two.  You  cannot  consciously  lift  this 
power  through  contemplation.  Only  He  who  first  descended  can  ascend  into  the  kingdom  of  heaven. 
Descending  like  a bolt  of  lightening,  the  curtain  of  the  temple  is  split,  releasing  His  spirit  that  was  trapped 
inside.  Then  your  power  is  raised  back  into  the  heavenly  state  from  which  you  came,  for  you  are  the  God  of 
scripture  who  said:  T say,  'You  are  gods,  sons  of  the  Most  High,  all  of  you.  Nevertheless  you  will  die  like 
men  and  fall  as  one  man,  O princes.'  " 

From  now  on,  think  of  yourself  as  spirit,  not  flesh  and  blood.  People  are  so  proud  of  their  physical  line,  yet  if 
they  knew  its  background  they  night  be  ashamed  of  it.  Many  a person  has  paid  a fortune  to  trace  his  lineage 
and  then  spent  another  fortune  to  forget  it. 

Recently  I read  of  a questionnaire  which  was  sent  out  to  various  church  officials  in  England,  asking  what  they 
thought  was  going  to  happen  to  them  when  they  died.  One  minister  replied:  'I  assume  I will  enter  into  the  joy 
of  the  Lord,  but  why  bring  up  such  an  unpleasant  subject?"  This  is  true  the  world  over,  because  man  does  not 
know  he  is  immortal  and  cannot  die. 

You  came  into  a world  of  death.  The  body  you  now  wear  will  return  to  dust  from  whence  it  came;  but  you, 
its  occupant,  cannot  die.  Rather,  you  will  simply  dream  yourself  into  another  body  of  death,  animate  it  in  a 
terrestrial  world  like  this,  and  continue  to  do  the  same  things  you  are  doing  here.  You  will  be  in  an 
environment  which  the  depths  of  your  being  finds  best  suited  for  what  He  still  wants  to  do,  and  you  will 
continue  doing  it  until  you  awaken  in  that  garment  and  fulfill  scripture. 

Then  you  will  take  off  your  garment  of  death  and  return  to  the  glory  that  was  yours  before  that  the  world  was. 
We  knew  each  other  intimately  before  we  descended,  and  we  will  know  each  other  just  as  intimately  when 
we  take  off  all  of  these  masks  and  ascend. 

In  this  world,  we  wear  separate,  individual  bodies;  but  in  eternity  we  form  the  one  body.  We  are  many,  yet 
one.  'Hear  O Israel,  the  Lord  our  God,  the  Lord  is  one."  In  that  state  there  will  be  only  one  Lord,  one  God 
and  Father  of  all,  and  all  form  that  one.  No  matter  what  type  of  dreams  an  individual  has,  in  the  end  they  will 
be  but  dreams;  for  when  he  awakes  and  returns,  we  will  love  him  as  dearly  as  we  did  before  the  descent. 

Inspiration  is  a gift  of  God,  which  cannot  be  acquired.  Because  God  is  in  you,  scripture  is  inspired  from 
within.  At  the  present  time,  Christ  - God's  power  and  wisdom  - is  personified  as  you.  Although  the  body  you 
wear  is  dead,  He  who  raised  Christ  from  the  dead  will  raise  you  also.  Christ  in  you  is  the  one  who  rises.  His 
spirit  is  your  breath.  Breathing  his  inspiration,  you  hear  and  feel  the  wind.  Then  you  who  radiate  the  glory  of 
that  God  breath  will  awaken  as  God  Himself. 

Now  let  us  go  into  the  silence.